Thursday, September 20, 2007


The day of our assignment being due.
OH MY LIFE..! :(

today was the lesson that we had to finish off our assignment. as I am trying to edit my page i

Monday, September 17, 2007


together we had a little meeting as a group and decided to make certain changes within our groupsz wiki.
we made certain changes as we put more information on the main dis[play'sz baige
nad we also made changes

Sunday, September 16, 2007


This lesson i have just been just fixing up the information on the wiki. I have been changing all the words into my own words.

Most websites i have not mentioned because i don't know what the website is and i have forgotten to record the websites and links down on my blog.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The Wiki will still not let me upload new information and it still won't let me make any changes.

But yet I have got most of my information are on a word document.

I have got information on what the differents are between CRT's and LCD's.

Most of my information was mainly coming from how stuff works.!

But yet i am still yet to get images to put onto the wikispace.

My wikispace has alot of text but not many images

The trouble i am havin at the moment is trying to get onto the wikispace and trying to edit the page that i need to work on so i can do my assesment

Most of my work can not be uploaded onto the Wikispace as it can't edited

there are a few difficulties that i am having but I am yet to get and figure out what is wrong with the wikispace.!


At the moment the page won't let me edit it.

I am having trouble getting into the wikispace.

The wiki is not editing and it won't let me go onto to make changes.

This lesson was difficult as i couldn't jump onto the wiki to add things and make changes as it won't let me edit the page.

Monday, September 10, 2007


This lesson was a bit hard as i needed to find a few on what a CRT dose ??
i also had to try and find out the functions and how it performs the way it eprofrms and how it dose what is dose!!

As well as looking for how a few pictures.

Monday, September 3, 2007


This lesson it was a bit hard i couldn't find any relvant information.
but yet i have found some history and a short timeline on the CRT's
i have also had a short little description on what a CRT is and what is stands for.